I first met Vivienne Harr at the Wisdom 2.0 Conference in San Francisco in March 2013. She was speaking to a crowVivienneHarrLemonadeStand1d of more than 1000 people about her fund-raising campaign to fight child slavery. She was nine years old. When Vivienne was eight, she saw a picture of two child slaves in Nepal. She told her mother she wanted to do something to help them. She decided to set up a lemonade stand. She opened that lemonade stand every day for a year, and raised more than $1 million.

Today Vivienne continues to amaze, charm and inspire. She serves as a model for other children, has been adopted as the poster child of Twitter, has appeared on media all over the country, spoken at the Vatican  and her lemonade project ‘Take a Stand’, has grown into a full fledged company to support her cause.

I told Vivienne that I wanted to write a song for her campaign and this is it. Her dad told me that she loved the song and was listening to it every day.

What a great kid!


One Person

Josh Friedman & Dada Nabhaniilananda

You can be one person can’t you see?

Who can set one person free.

One person you can be

Set one person free.

If this kid with her Lemon-Aid

Can free five hundred slaves

think what you could do

and how it might free you

Think of Martin Luther King

He did such an awesome thing

Helen Keller, Mandela too

maybe the next one’s you

You can be one person, can’t you see?

Who can set one person free

One person you can be

Set one person free

Make a stand for everyone

Something magic has begun

Love’s a gift to give away

Why not give it everyday?

When we reach out to connect

we never know what to expect

take the future in our hands

can we do it?  yes we can

We Can Be

One person, can’t you see

Who can set one person free

One person we can be

Set one person free

Giving everyone a reason to wonder

What can I do too?

You Can Be

One person, can’t you see

Who can set one person free

One person you can be

Set one person free

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