Treasure Trove

Close Your Eyes and Open your Mind
This is an easy to read, easy to understand, illuminating book on meditation. I strongly recommend it for the new practitioner or the seasoned meditator.

Real Dragons Don't Cry
Long ago a great master from another world appeared on our planet and planted a magical tree on the island of Atlantis, the microvita tree. The subtle microvita energy from the tree gave the Atlanteans special powers of mind, raising them above other peoples, enabling the birth of a great empire...

The Fire Dragon Suite
Spiritual Folk
Dada’s early devotional songs capture the innocent charm of youthful idealism. These touching poems set to melody moved listeners and even children memorized the lyrics and sang them at concerts.

Warriors of the Rainbow
Spiritual Eco-folk/progressive rock
Dada’s songs in his next musical phase were influenced by Progressive rock. This was produced by Gong member, Harry Williamson, who also plays multiple instruments.

The return of the magic
90’s latin/jazz influenced
A really high quality production featuring Norwegian guitar maestro, Nils Einar Vinjar (aka Sukha Deva) and some of Dadas best work. Includes the award winning latino sounding, Perfect Love.

Ananda Kiirtan 3 - Live
Mantra chanting/Kirtan/Kiirtan
Selected from more than 40 hours of live mantra chanting at meditation retreats in Australia, this album captures the magical vibe of hundreds of voices with the balance and clarity of a studio production.

The Best of Sukha Deva
Mantra Music for Spiritual Meditation
Since 1990, meditators worldwide have enjoyed Sukha Deva's uplifting music, featuring artfully blended layered guitars and multiple singers, including Dada Nabhaniilananda.

Sonali Bhor - The Golden Dawn
Songs of P. R. Sarkar
A high quality production of Indian bhajans using only Indian instruments. Bengali songs on a variety of devotional, spiritual, inspirational and humanitarian themes.

Flow of Love
Mantra chanting/Kirtan/Kiirtan
This is renowned Norwegian guitarist, Nils Einar Vijnor's (Sukha Deva) first recording of kiirtan, featuring melodic layered guitars and multiple voices. I hope you love it as much as I do!

Mantra chanting/Kirtan/Kiirtan
Selected from more than 40 hours of live mantra chanting at meditation retreats in Australia, this album captures the magical vibe of hundreds of voices with the balance and clarity of a studio production.

Flight of Love
Mantra chanting/Kirtan/Kiirtan
Co-written and produced by Norwegian guitarist, Nils Einar Vijnor's (Sukha Deva) on guitar and Dada Nabhaniilananda. Their developing musical partnership reaches its full blossoming on this enchanting album.