Here’s the latest update of my Enlightened Leader Crowdfunding campaign.

Firstly, I’ve added a new level of rewards!

Anyone who contributes $2500 get all the existing rewards, plus two months of personal meditation coaching for one hour a week. If you live close to Los Altos Hills, CA, that will be live. Otherwise online.

I’d like to thank all the wonderful friends who have backed this campaign.

David Burwen was the first contributor with $250. David has been my meditation student for several years now and is a hugely generous man who supports youth education through his foundation. Thanks David for always being so supportive.

Rudranii Ruth Li was next with $500, which means she will get a copy of the new video series, Close Your Eyes and Open Your Mind as soon as production is complete. Ruth uses my book and training materials for her own meditation classes in Washington DC, and is a real model of sincerity for her students. Thanks so much for your support!

Amitabhaji from Wisconsin chipped in with $100 – thanks so much – we don’t know one another well, so it is all the more touching for me that you have been so generous.

Laksman Robert Eklund came in with a total of $777 because he liked my silly story about the number 7! He has also used my teaching materials to bring many people to the meditation path and is always getting more books from me. What a nice surprise Laksman – thanks!

Vinay my old friend – we’ve known one another since 1975 when we were very young men. It feels so good to have you backing me!

Naciketa Steven Richheimer contributed $300, which he also did for my last campaign. Thanks so much for your help Naciketa, and I hope we get to go skiing together again soon!

and Amitabha – what a thrill to get international support from lovely Brazil – thanks so much! Now my book is available there in Portuguese. I hope to visit you there again in January.

There are many more of you, and I want to thank everyone personally over the next few days.

So we only have 12 days to do with the campaign, and we are at the 27% mark with $4772 of the $18,000 target, so there’s plenty of work to do. Please contribute whatever you can at this link:

And if you’d love to support the campaign but cannot afford to, spread the word through social media and email!

Other news:

I gave a talk at Facebook yesterday, titled: The Enlightened Leader – Developing Love, Creativity and Wisdom through Spiritual Meditation. 90 people attended and it was very well received. We brought in a professional film crew and captured the whole event plus testimonials from participants. I’ll post a few excerpts of this tomorrow. This will be edited into an event video for promotion to other companies for similar events, so it is an important piece of the Enlightened Leader strategy. Some of the money from this campaign will go towards that filming and editing.

I promised you six funny emails – I’ve posted the latest one on my blog:

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