Have you ever wondered why Facebook which is frequently banal, mostly a waste of time, and occasionally interesting or inspiring, is so addictive? The somewhat counterintuitive answer is: Saber toothed tigers! Think back to when you were a cave person, or to be more precise, when your ancestors were cave people, dedicating their lives to the mission…

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“Earth? It still exists? What for? I thought we ordered its destruction months ago.” Commissaire Glorg of the Intergalactic Planetary Standards Commission glared at the floating image of the distant blue planet and waggled a stern eye stalk in disgust. “We did sire,” said Gleam, his Aide-de-Campe, executing an elegant grovel, “but the notoriously wimpy…

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I recently read an online debate about spirituality and vegetarianism, and one person wrote: “A Cow is no more alive than a cabbage.” Well obviously both are alive, but it seems pretty obvious that a cow is more self aware and capable of suffering than a cabbage is. If you are unsure about this, why…

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