More than 35% of US Corporations offer meditation or mindfulness training to their employees: Google, Apple, IBM, Intel, McKinsey & Company, General Electric, General Mills, Nike, Sony, Ford, Target, IKEA, eBay, LinkedIn, and the U.S. Marines, to name a few. What is driving this trend? After all, meditation has a history dating back more than…

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Meditation is supposed to induce a simpler, less busy state of mind. But that does not mean that all you need to do is sit down, close your eyes and hey presto: land of peace and bliss! If you’ve tried this you’ll know it’s not that easy. Just as you need to warm up before playing sports, or practice…

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Meditation is the oldest personal development technique in the world. It has way more than five benefits – this could easily have been a list of 100 meditation benefits. But these are five of the keys to a happier, more fulfilling life, so rather than burden you more reading, let’s just start with these. After all, reading about the…

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During the last four decades that I’ve been practicing meditation the public perception of this practice has shifted dramatically. In 1968 the Beatles brought meditation to the world stage in what would surely rate as the PR coup of all time. More recently a mounting flood of brain research demonstrating the physiological benefits of meditation…

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Forty years ago today I found myself walking up a forest path from my home in Wellington, New Zealand, headed for the Ananda Marga meditation center. I was about to take initiation on the path of tantric meditation. Not the weird erotic cult kind, (sorry if that disappoints you) but the genuine ancient path of…

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Meditation is supposed to induce a simpler, less busy state of mind. But that does not mean that all you need to do is sit down, close your eyes and hey presto: land of peace and bliss! If you’ve tried this you’ll know it’s not that easy. Just as you need to warm up before playing sports, or practice…

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Meditation is the oldest personal development technique in the world. It has way more than five benefits – this could easily have been a list of 100 meditation benefits. But these are five of the keys to a happier, more fulfilling life, so rather than burden you more reading, let’s just start with these. After all, reading about the…

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Dan Harris – News Anchor for ABC’s Good Morning America, took up meditation a few years ago and is now an avid exponent of the practice. In his book, ‘Ten Percent Happier’, he tells the story of his own journey from extreme sceptic to enthusiast. Great to have such an articulate, lucid and concise spokesperson for the…

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1. Spend Time Alone in Nature. To cultivate your own connection to the creative part of your mind, spend time alone in nature. Think of Walden and his pond. Beethoven used to take long walks in the forest. In that environment the music would come to him. 2. Remember how to think like a child.…

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A new study coming out of the Max Planck Institute compares meditation techniques. Different kinds of meditation affect different parts of your brain.

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