Two is the New One
You’ve probably heard the expression, ‘All is One’. This is a popular claim amongst mystically inclined physicists, an increasingly rare breed, and amateur Buddhist philosophers, disturbingly less rare with every passing moment. During my monk training we studied ancient sanskrit texts discussing Oneness at great length. Oneness, it turns out, is not only surprisingly complex, but is a well established concept. In number popularity contests, One consistently performs well above average.
Yet the all embracing wisdom of Oneness was recently called into question when a certain emerging intellectual giant (also known as ME) posed the following probing query: “I know that a lot of wise people, like Krishna and Werner Heisenberg, maintained that All is One, but from where I’m sitting it looks like at least two.”
It is a sad testimony to the lack of deep reflection as a habit in our dominant culture that this Earth shattering observation had close to zero impact on the public mind. In other words, nobody heard me.
This evening our formerly pleasant and relaxing little meditation gathering took a still grimmer turn. I asked everyone to tell us about a book they found particularly inspiring. Andrii, who, you guessed it, speaks Russian (he’s actually Ukrainian), in the new spirit of sloppy interpretation of my ‘suggestions’ (aka ‘rules’), instead spoke about a spiritual philosophy series on Youtube, which is in Russian. So to enjoy it, we all have to learn Russian. Then he told us about a book which sounded really brilliant. But you can only actually appreciate it if you understand string theory. Now deeply intimidated I plaintively asked if we can choose — if we might perhaps learn either Russian or string theory, because learning both sounded kind of hard.
But no, came the reply. Two is the new one. ‘Wasn’t that your idea,’ I was reminded and there I was, hoisted upon my own petard. So now I have to learn both string theory, and Russian, neither of which I am remotely capable of. Apparently all Russians learn string theory in kindergarten.
Spare a thought for me in my plight. Our former happy circle, where life was simple and we all shared just one item of delight each week, is now a maze of impossible challenges and unsolvable riddles, all in Russian. Or Vietnamese. Or Urdu.
Let this be a lesson to us all lest in our hubris we seek to improve on the work of our Creator and fall into the abyss like Lucifer before us. My advice to you, to avoid a similar fate? Stick to established truths. Think, FACT, FACT, FACT. Remember: Orange is not Black and never will be, even if you live in a lightless cave. Orange is still orange. And One remains forever One.