0 Probably. Maybe. It depends. I should be the first person to wax starry eyed about World Meditation Day and how if we all meditate, we will save the world. But I’ve been in this game long enough to know that it’s not that simple. Let me explain. There are many different meditation techniques, even…

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0 Meditating on the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland Forty years ago today I found myself walking up a forest path from my home in Wellington, New Zealand, headed for the Ananda Marga meditation center. I was about to take initiation on the path of tantric meditation. Not the weird erotic cult kind, (sorry if that…

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0 “I write only when inspiration strikes. Fortunately it strikes every morning at nine o’clock sharp.” – Somerset Maughan Do not wait for inspiration before you meditate. Meditation generates inspiration. Each session is a noble effort to transcend the inertia of spiritual sleep and awaken. If you only meditate when you are ‘in the mood’,…

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