Today I’m particularly thankful to be alive because yesterday I very nearly drowned. The waves here in Mexico can come in pretty big with a fierce undertow and the beach where we are staying is known to be dangerous. We were swimming close to shore and the surf seemed sizeable but manageable. But then a huge wave came in –…

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I just received an excellent meditation question from John Q. It opens a large can of worms, inside of which is at least one elephant in the room, so what with all of these elephants and worms and mixed metaphors, be ready for a wild ride. Here is the key point of John’s question: “I…

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I recently read an online debate about spirituality and vegetarianism, and one person wrote: “A Cow is no more alive than a cabbage.” Well obviously both are alive, but it seems pretty obvious that a cow is more self aware and capable of suffering than a cabbage is. If you are unsure about this, why…

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