The Close Your Eyes on Video

A series of 8 videos to match my book and home study course

When I first sat down to write a book on meditation I never imagined that I might spawn a monster. Little did I know that it would mutate and multiply into three editions marking the evolution of my writing. And that it would spread across the world, morphing into different languages.
English. Originally British English (i.e. ‘Real English’), but for Edition 3 I finally surrendered to American English (lit. ‘Enemy English’), for which I actually had to get it translated! I hope I do not go to hell for this.
Portuguese (European)
Portuguese (Brazilian – they wanted their own version)
The Norwegian and Italian translations are just finished and Bengali, Hindi, Oriya, Vietnamese and Romanian are in the pipeline.
But my book’s appetites were not to be satisfied with a mere globe spanning array of translations. Intent on world domination it grew into a Meditation Home Study Courseincluding an audio book, a set of guided meditations with music, and a workbook.
It seems that the famous yoga wisdom saying, “in the living being, there is a thirst for limitlessness”, also applies to certain inorganic objects like this book. Very strange. I fear it is growing a brain.
Now it wants to make a whole video series about itself. We’re going to include whiteboard animation, answer readers questions, practitioner’s testimonials, special meditation exercises. We’ve all ready shot most of the footage and it is looking really good. The interviews with practitioners were really eye opening. I felt that we were tapping into the collective wisdom of our spiritual community!
I’m impressed by how this admittedly self obsessed little creature has mutated into such a variety of forms. The video series looks very promising, and then of course there is the coming Close Your Eyes phone app!
I’ll bet you can’t wait until the Close Your Eyes action figures come out…

State of Play: We’ve completed 3 days of shooting, including testimonials and Q & A with ten different meditation practitioners. Some of the footage is just great!  We may need another half day shoot for pickups, and a couple of online interviews with experts, and then all the shooting (‘production’ in film makers lingo). Then I have to log all the footage and create the storyline for each video. Then I pass it on to Bhupesh in LA, our chief editor. Chinmaya in Manila may help out as well.

Costs: A little over budget and counting. We owe around $4000 from the money we’ve raised to our very patient production team.

Target: February. We also need to allocate more money to marketing. But that will not only get the material out there, but create income, so it’s an important investment.

Action Steps

I’ve raised $8227 of my $18,000 target, so $10,000 to go. My crowd funding platform – Rockethub – extended my deadline to November 14th.

I’ve just been on tour for 4 weeks, but now I’m home I’m reviving the campaign and sending out regular updates.

What you can do – just in case during the breathless excitement of reading my report you forgot about the actual point of this letter…

We still need a lot more money if this is going to happen. So please:

1. Share this link with friends on Facebook, email etc. especially anyone outside my circle who has not heard about this before.

2. If you know anyone who you think my be particularly inspired by this, and has some disposable income, please talk to them about it personally. The main progress in this campaign has come from a fairly small number of more generous contributors.

3. And of course if you are inspired to add something to your original contribution, that would highly appreciated!

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