TCN_poster_8The Conscious Network Symposium at UC Berkeley last night was a spectacular success with 750+ people attending! The campus advisors told the students a month ago that they should book a smaller venue as there was no way we’d fill the Wheeler Auditorium. We did it anyway and we ran out of space.

A highlight for me was the warm and wise Dr David Presti, a Neuro-science professor at UC Berkeley. But really, all of the presenters were wonderful, including several of the students themselves. My part was short – a 10 minute kiirtan and guided meditation – but it seemed to go down very well.

But for me it was the atmosphere that made it extraordinary. There was such a feeling of enthusiasm, hope and commitment to create a better world, starting with, but not stopping with, ourselves. What started as an ambitious idea amongst five students plus my friend Anadi and I last September, almost miraculously became a reality. The whole thing was organized by the students, who worked tirelessly and gathered a veritable army of committed supporters through the Conscious Living Collective campus club.

The whole event was professionally filmed by Anadi and crew – watch this space for photos and video.

I’m sure this will lead to bigger and better things – next week we have 3 follow up dialogue evenings on campus! The energy of these young, brilliant, idealistic students is exhilarating!

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